
  • Lobotomy Love: The Creative Journey
    Mike, the creator of Lobotomy Love, is a Greek-born artist whose journey spans from Network Engineering and Accounting to Photography and Film. The inception of Lobotomy Love, a digital art platform, occurred during global quarantine. Mike’s foray into the world of NFTs and Augmented Reality led to the creation of an online platform LobotomyLove.com to share his works. With plans to venture into Virtual Reality Artworks, the future holds limitless possibilities for this innovative artist.
  • The World of Zines
    Zines, short for “fanzines” or “magazines,” are DIY publications that celebrate creative freedom and independent thought. The process includes crafting content, style, and format from scratch, and then printing to turn digital or handcrafted creations into tangible art pieces. Zines can house a variety of themes, from personal narratives to social commentary. Exploring zine libraries and fairs, and using tools like templates and mockups can further enrich the zine-making journey.
  • AR Dark Art Prints: Unveiling a New Dimension of Art
    Lobotomy Love’s AR Dark Art Prints offers a unique interaction with art using Augmented Reality (AR). By leveraging technology, AR merges beautifully with physical art prints to create immersive and interactive experiences. This is made possible by downloading the Lobotomy Love AR app, scanning selected AR prints, and exploring. The collection includes Limited Edition Silk Prints that not only decorate your space but become dynamic pieces of technology-infused art.

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